LOGIN:  Standard  |  Advanced
Order Advanced BetterCheck:

Verify Funds as low as 39¢ each
 - plus 1¢ each batch fee if applicable.

Open New Advanced Account [Order Here
            $195 + minimum deposit    

Upgrade to Advanced [Order Here]
$59 + minimum deposit                                                      

To get set up today you can upgrade from your standard BetterCheck account for just $59 one-time fee.

Or, you can set up an Advanced BetterCheck account as a new customer for $195. 

Includes virtual terminal. Initial minimum deposit $100 required. If you upgrade from a standard account, you can transfer your balance by request, but you must still provided a new deposit of $100 minimum, your transfer balance does not count toward your new deposit.

*WebLink code is supplied in your control panel and it is the responsibility of the user to link their proprietary system with Advanced BetterCheck according to the terms of service.  

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This product is a virtual terminal. You are required to return a signed application for Advanced BetterCheck. Once your order is verified, we will provide this form. You will receive your username and password via email within 24 to 48 hours of receipt of the BetterCheck worksheet, if no additional verification is required.

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